First off, to answer a question from question on my last post, my purse weighs 3.76 pounds (without the bottled water). According to, the average woman's purse weighs 10 pounds (can that be true??)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch--I've blocked a sweater!

Yup, the Everyday Cardigan is on the blocking board. Lucky for me it's going to be in the 90's tomorrow so it should be dry in no time. Then I can seam it together and add the button bands and neck band and have it ready for when it cools down to the high 70's.
Also working on two
Hats for Alex:

The one on the left is made from some Lion Brand
microspun. I have 6 extra skeins of this yarn so if you'd like to knit some hats for Alex, email me, PM me on
Knitty or
Ravelry and I'll send you a skein on me. I think you can get 2 caps per skein so that would mean 12 more hats for a very good cause.
I'm also working on some secret socks for my Sock Swap buddy,
Zknitter. I've hidden them in a in a just- received- in-the- mail
Momma Monkey bag. (I'm addicted to these bags)

In non-
WIP news, I received this adorable yarn ball the other day from
Bezzie's uber hot
Random Meanderthings etsy shop sent by my friend
Muggle Friend K. That' s right. Her shop is
sooooo hot that even non knitters take note.

And I just had to order MORE...
So for you
Bezzie, a Brooklyn Tweed knock off shot:

Wait...what's the charm on the end? Toss the fake family photo that came inside and swap, the Patron Saint of Random Meanderings herself:

And I have the ultimate rear view mirror charm. With her to protect me, I'll avoid A-hole drivers everywhere, find every great garage sale in a 50 mile radius and always score a prime parking spot outside the
Labels: WIP Wednesday