BS2 post for the week. This week's assignment: 3 things you love and 3 things you hate. Hate is such a strong word so here are 3 things I really dislike:
1.Don't love doing chores (who does?). Two that I really loathe:
i.Pumping gas:

ii.Unloading the dishwasher:
2. The scale.
Girlfriend, lay off the Taco Bell...
3. Ok, here's something I do hate. I hate seeing litter alongside the road. This was a bag of broken beer bottles tossed out a window on the freeway on-ramp. Wrong in so many ways. It's ugly, it's dangerous (who wants a flat tire?) and it means someone was drinking & driving.

As for loves, family & friends, knitting & yarn were too easy so here are three random choices (i.e. they were there when I had my camera):
1. Love: my town's downtown--it's has a cute, old fashioned home towny vibe and also has this little gem, a drive thru convenience store:
You can drive in and pick up a gallon of milk, eggs, bread and
a little sweet treat:

2. Theater. I love going to the theater. I wish I could afford to fly to NYC or London whenever I wanted to see a show. But I'll settle for seeing theater in my favorite city, San Francisco (another Love).

3. Loves me some sleeping Kittehs! (yes, I know this was an obvious choice but half my camera contains kitty photos)