Happy Anniversary...to ME!
It was a year ago that I learned to knit...in a lovely yarn shop in San Francisco. My life and my Mastercard will never be the same....
My first FO and my first pair of knitting needles. Looks a little wonky (and yes, I actually wore it out in public!) but I remember how exciting it was to finish.
Flash forward a year: I finished my seafoam pattern scarf made with the Hipknits silk my SP gave me. This was so much fun to knit!
Well..off to organize and photgraph my Stash for Flash your Stash day. Yes, I am a procrastiknitter!!
Oh! And I want to give a big YOU GO GIRL shout out to my friend Karen, who has busted into the boyz club at work and now heads up one of business units! She doesn't knit (ok, so she's not perfect) but this pic is for her :