Woman Swallowed Up by Giant Ball O' Yarn
Local authorities reported that a woman knitter was trapped inside a ball of yarn for several hours this morning and rescued by her hungry cat. I'm not sure what happened," the dazed woman said. "I was staring at my Oregon Woodworker yarn swift going around and around and the next thing I knew, I must have fallen in and wound myself into a ball of yarn."

"Surviving this terrible ordeal has given me a whole new perspective on yarn stash," commented the Knitter. As she drove off to her LYS, the still starry eyed knitter says she will embark on a new business opportunity by knitting the first ever coffin cozy. "I mean, if knitting is a slice of heaven, why not take it all with you?"
if you've emerged from your yarn caccoon will you mind going to check your email (the hotmail address published here)? There is a mystery book swap package awaiting an address.
thank you...from your mystery pal who manages to even lose email - wonder if it ended up in a ball of yarn somewhere?
whoops, nevermind, I finally found it, it was in an attachment.
pkg on its way tomorrow
Ok that's one of the best posts I've read on any blog in a long time!!!
I love your post! That is so cool! Hehe...looks around...makes sure yarn and swift are safely put away... :)
Oh too funny so glad Cary was able to help you out! :)
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