Cpurl Year in Review
I saw this on LadyLungDoc's blog, who saw it on Ruth's blog and borrowed the idea, which is to post a line or two from each blog month of the past year. It's funny how each random little snippet can take me back to a particular place in life and the issues or feelings, good or bad, I was dealing with at the time. It's a lot like when you pick up your knitting and instantly flash back to what you were doing/watching/listening to, the last time you were working on the project.
January 25, 2007
I posted a peek of this yarn the other day for Valkryie but can't resist a full frontal
Feb 14, 2007
Ali gave me VD love!
March 12, 2007
Not to be upstaged, Cary does his imitation of a meerkat
April 25, 2007
The seemingly endless saga of my dental woes continues and today was another round in the chair (only 1 shot on the pain-o-meter & 15 minutes of nitrous).
May 21, 2007
My favorite snacks while knitting at home are those that are easy to eat, like the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers pictured below. I can even lean over and suck one in like a little vacuum so as not to break my knitting stride or mess my fingers.
June 24, 2007
The night before we attended the luminaria Ceremony of Hope which kicks off with a group of survivors walking a lap lined with candlelit (or, in our case, glow sticks)luminarias; each one bearing the name in honor of cancer survivors or in memory of loved ones.
July 15, 2007
Ok, this is where I had planned to post my mystery stole update. But today, after hours and hours (did I say hours?) I finished Clue 3 and felt so good about it I took a few photographs. But after I loaded the photographs I noticed so many errors I wanted to cry. Silly huh? Well, I thought about just knitting on but I knew the mistakes would plague me forever so I ripped it off and tossed it in the garbage.
August 27, 2007
Our LYS is spending Wednesday nights this August knitting bears for the Mother Bear Project. This is a good reminder when I need to remember there are starving kitties in Iraq. (See Bezzie's post from ...)
Sept ? 2007
I signed up for a webring called Blogstalking 2: The Reawakening and, frankly I'm relieved since my blog was about to be awarded the Your Blog Sucks Girl Blogger award.
Oct 17, 007
Cpurl's Mom (while waiting for a table at a Japanese restaurant): What are you working on?Cpurl: It's a sleeve--see? (cpurl puts it on her wrist)Cpurl's Mom: "Won't that make you look bulky?"The truth hurts.
Nov 4, 2007
This has nothing to do with old photos, but a few weeks ago I was out with Muggle friends K & J and, I swear this is true, a happy face appeared in our pizza
Dec 15, 2007
So there you have it. I've suffered a fate equal to landing in an insane asylum or being homeless.
But, at the end of the movie, Clarence leave a note for George that says "Remember no (wo)man is a failure who has friends."
It this regard, I have indeed, a Wonderful Life.
Knitting wise, I'm too lazy to do a photo collage but here's my year's worth of knitted work:
Fetchings: 1
Flowerbasket Shawl=1
Noni Bag=1
Baby Hats=6*
Baby Sweaters=2
Golf Club covers=3
*knit for charity projects
Not as productive as I would have liked but more than I thought.
Next year's resolutions:
1.Get Healthy
2.Get Organized-clear out clutter
3.Participate in Project 365/52
I've even set up a blog to post my photos on a weekly basis: Cpurl's Project 365
I'm full of year end good intentions and I'm sure this is going to be harder to keep up with than I think , but I hope it will be a fun way to make sure I add a dose of creativity to every day. What I suspect is that I'll end up of 365 photos of yarn + cats.
I leave you with my favorite photos of the year:
Mika as a therapist:
And a shot I took at Natural Dye class: