It’s time to play the Cpurl Black Friday Game!!
Feeling Lucky? Killer Shopping Instincts Sharpened? Then Let's Play!
- Start at Square One: "Adopt a Family" for Christmas
- Scour 5 pounds of "Day After Thanksgiving" Ads – move ahead 3 spaces
- Wake up at 3:30 AM and arrive at Mervyn’s on time – Extra Spin!
- Get $10 gift card for being one of 250 to enter the store–Skip ahead one space
- Bonus Round! Girl leaving store gives you her extra $10 card!
- Run around scoring Door Buster bargains– Move ahead 7 spaces
- Get ready leave store and realize in a panic that Blackberry is missing lost? stolen? – move back 10 spaces to Penalty Box
- Wake up Dad from deep sleep to borrow cell phone and spend the next hour searching for cell phone but to no avail – move back 5 spaces
- Check Customer Service 2 times but no phone - move back 2 spaces
- Drive home and contact company IT dept to disconnect email link and call AT&T to suspend phone number – Get out of jail, Move 1 space ahead
- Miss 40% off first hour only sale at LYS but arrive in time for 20% hour –Move 4 steps back but move 2 steps ahead
- LYS Owner feels bad over missing Blackberry and gives you 30% off – move 1 space ahead
- Go to Target for more bargains – 3 steps ahead
- Go to Costco – score front row parking space – Move 2 spaces ahead
- Go to Walmart – buy more stuff and some food for Food Pantry – Move 4 spaces ahead
- Go to OSH and get deal on Father’s Christmas gift – Move 3 spaces ahead
- Go home take nap – Rest in corner square
- Go to Parent’s for Leftovers – Move 1 space ahead
- Go back to Mervyn’s to have forgotten sensor removed from a gift – Move back 1 space
- Go home, discover Sock Swap package from ZKnitter, go straight to Winner's Circle—YOU WIN!!!!
I think Christmas came early!! Ok, we're both a tad late with the Sock Swap but it was definitely worth the wait!! Look!
The cutest Momma Monkey Sock Bag ever! It puuurfectly matches my lexie barnes bag! Peppermint Bark! An adorable CarrieKnits handmade card and squeeeeeeeeeee, Embossed Leaves socks!!
(Ignore the black and white blur on the right--I couldn't keep the kittehs out of the photo)
Inside the sock bag there was a skein of adorable Yarn Pirate sock yarn in the "Pretty Pirate" colorway that match the Monkey bag and some cute "C" notecards!!