WWKIPing for the Cure

Pre Market Calm
Because the booth was free of charge to us, we were not allowed to sell anything but we could collect donations and talk about our fundraising efforts.
Our LYS made up a sock kit "Bobbles for Boobies" with the net proceeds going to our team fundraising. I brought the pair I had knit up so as a sample pair for other knitters to see. (LOOK! AN FO!)
And of course, we combined fundraising with WWKIP!
We met a lot of wonderful people and many shared their stories about loved ones who have been affected by or lost to cancer but by far, the best part of staffing the booth all day was talking to the Survivors who came up to us thanked us for doing the Walk.
At the end of the market, we were still smiling and ready for lunch. And the tip jar was FULL!See the bunting hanging above our heads? It's knitted! We're going to keep knitting and adding pennants and then take it to the 3Day camp to decorate out tents.
On Saturday night I started adding the initials of those who we will walk in honor of or in memory of.We're using the pattern I saw on the Craft Magazine blog by Green Mountain Mama and all scraps of yarn in shades of, you guessed it, pink!! If you'd like to add a pennant, please let me know and I'll pm you a mailing address.