I've been seeing a lot of "Smile" awards around the knitting blogs lately and decided that my blog was feeling left out and so I awarded myself the:

It takes a special talent to create a blog that doubles as an instant cure for insomnia. I like to think of it as a special public serivce to those who cannot afford an Ambien prescription. Sure, it would be easy to update you with beautifully knitted objects, but in world where it's taking me a week to knit one afghan square, even that progress would be a snore!
In the spirit of giving, I'll award this to 10 people whose blogs are equally dull and uninspiring:
Left Coast Knitter - Dude. Update your blog. Rhinebeck was so last year.
2. Bezzie - No, her blog isn't boring but she wins everything so I had to include her.
3. Ummmm. Ok,
no one in my Bloglines has a boring blog but feel free to award yourself if you're feeling dull or you like photos of cute babies yawning.
So, while the blog is dull, life has been good of late:
On Superbowl Sunday, while many were watching a football game and subjected to lame commercials, I was at MamaC's Yarn Swap & Knitting Frenzy:
Checking out the yarn up for swap. One knitter's trash stash is another knitter's treasure!
Of course there was delicious pot luck:

And the lovely Left Coast Knitter keeping guard over some cool Noro yarn she scored by spiking my Mimosa and tripping me as I ran towards the pile of fiber. Next to her is some my score: some Queensland Kathmandu Aran and vintage Peer Gynt sock yarn.

I've also been busy with my Project 365 photo challenge. This represents my January:

Zonda sent me some blogging mojo so hopefully I'll back more often to
bore amuse you!