Roller Girls Rule

"I'm Cary, aka Cat-ATTACK"
Post event wrap up:
Q:Was it what you thought it would be? What was different?
A Cpurl didn’t realize it was co-ed (women skate one round and men skate one round) and it was less violent than she thought it would be. LCK thought some sort of ball was involved in the game. We both thought the crowd was great and having a great time. Neither one of us understood the rules. Cpurl also thought their uniforms would involve rhinestones, skirts and a beadazzler.
Q: How would you rate the souvenir stands?
A: Caps, t-shirts and buttons sold over fold up tables.
Kezar Pavilion was built in 1924 and has an old skool "high-school gym" look. The seats were all old wooden benches.
Q: What would be your Roller Derby name?
A: Cpurl: Purly Skates. LCK: Still thinking about it
Q: How would you rate the hot dogs/concession stands?
A: Hot dogs, aka “Derby dogs” were 4 on a scale of 10. No beer but probably a good idea in old gymnasium full of screaming fans.