G'day, how ya goin'?
I can't believe how long it's been since I've last posted on this blog but today I have some post-worthy news! I received a holiday Secret Pal gift package all the way from the land down under!

Kitties waiting for package

First of all, look how cute the box is!

Inside I found 4 skeins of a super soft, beautiful red yarn made in, yup, you guessed it, Australia! Next I pulled out a notepad that says "Chore List" with a list that says (faintly enough so you can write over them): Let the Cat out, Let the Cat in , Let the Cat out, Let the Cat In...('ain't that the truth!)
Speaking of cats, my SP didn't forget them as she included an adorable cat toy (which I just now used to lure Mika off the keyboard)
Also included was a pair of lovely tortoise coloured (I'm pretending I'm Aussie now, hence the u) Swallow knitting needles that I cannot wait to try.
And...wait, there's more...proving she has a keen sense of humour, my SP also included a platypus Australia pencil and a funny book called "Aussie Slang". Luckily for me, Purler means "Something good or admirable" so I'm keeping my Knitty name. And last, but not least, I found two Christmas ornaments--so cute they deserve their own photo:

I love Christmas and I love decorating my Christmas tree and these will definitely have a prominent location on my tree this year. One of the highlights for me every year is thinking about the person who gave me a particular ornament and now, every year, I'll think of my sweet Holiday Secret Pal!
I hope, someday, I will visit Australia--and SP, if you're out there, you always have a place to stay when you visit Northern California.