Macro Knittyonimcs
This week's Knittyhead Blogstalking assignment is to photograph objects in our house using the macro setting on our camera. Warning-excuse disclaimer: my macro setting isn't the best and my photography skills are even worse but please take a guess! Since I'm on a prize roll (see my Quiz below), I'll shamelessly copy some of the other knittyheads and award a lavender sock yarn prize to the most correct guesses (by Friday, 5:00 PM PDT).





1. A glitter... letter
2. a drawing of a sheep
3. a crystal bowl
4. a carving on a wooden table
5. a hairbrush
no idea for the first 3 but 4) is part of your door 5) hairbrush
let's see..
1. ceramic candy cane
2. your signature
3. crystal/glass bowl
4. wood carving maybe on dresser
5. hairbrush
4) part of your door
5) bristles on a hairbrush
1-3 stump me. Though, it is early in the am. :)
#1 Sideways C
#2 Your signature
#3 Cake pan
#4 Lyre Harp (LOL!)
#5 Hairbrush
1) Wall ornament
2) closeup of a line drawing
3) crystal bowl or dish
4) back of a wooden chair
5) hairbrush
1. close up looks as if it could be inset gravel in paving stones, except for that ribbon running through - so it has to be glittery ornament.
2. ink on paper - I'd go with signature
3. cut crystal
4. Carved wood medallion, chair or table, or door, inset.
5. hairbrush
hmmm ok here goes nothing
a pomace stone
decor something I don't know
? part writing
piece of woodne funtature
Ok, here I go.
#1 The letter S hanging on a wall
#2 The mouth of a Dr. Suess Character
#3 A cake pan or mold
#4 A panel from a door
#5 A hair brush
1. The letter C
2. drawing of a christmas tree?
3. crystal bowl
4. carved wood on furniture
5. hairbrush
I think #4 is from a bedpost. #5 is definitely a brush, and um, lemme see. I think the first is indeed a letter, perhaps a "C" and 2 is a um, a, squiggle. A chinese symbol perhaps? I think 3 is the glass cover of a ceiling fixture.
1. definitely a letter covered in fabulous glass crystals - I love the patina they get over time
2. ? some type of drawing on paper but I don't think it's your signature
3. depression glass bowl or vase
4. wood carving on furniture or a door
5. Hairbrush
1. Glittered, hanging letter "C"
2. squiggle line of a cat picture???hehe
3. crystal (bowl, plate, glass,
4. carving on furniture (chair, sofa, bed, or you have stairs?
5. your's hairbrush...well someone's hairbrush!;)
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