I Earned My Clapotis Badge!
While visiting my sister in Washington for a long weekend, I finished my Clapotis! I think I should earn a badge for my Knitty sash.

Outside of my sister's apt, a little bird has built a nest on the water sprinkler. This was as close as I could get without making Mama bird too nervous.

Cute Kitten Alert:
One of the no-kill cat shelters near my sister is full so my sister volunteered to foster care two sweet, sweet little kittens. If you live in the Puget Sound area and have room for 2 little fur balls, these two are so adorable and only a little mischievous! My sister would love to keep them but she rents an apt. and room is tight.

Hard to resist this little face! His "shelter" name is Justin but, using our strange sister language, we call him Weebee:

On Tuesday, we watched a America's Next Top Model marathon on TV so I had to practice my runway walk with a kitty (Simone-isn't that a great model name?) in tow:

According to my camera, I took 37 photos while I was in Washington. 0 of my sister, 0 of the beautiful scenery, 2 of the bird nest, 3 of her cat, Casey and 32 of the kittens:

I had a great time, as always, hangin' with my sister. I finally saw "Pirates of the Carribbean", did some shoppin', lots 'o eatin', nappin' and just chillin'. One highlight was spying a Bald Eagle in flight as we drove along Lake Sammamish. And the mild, sunny weather was an added treat.
i'd say the real highlight was the kittens. Talk about cute!!!!
Also well done on the clapotis- it is an addictive pattern isnt it.
The clapotis is beautiful - and irresistible kittens! Makes me want to get a bunch - I would if my adult kitties wouldn't freak.
Awww. Weebee is the cutest! He reminds me of Ripple as a little kitten. If I were in the area, I'd snatch him up in a minute.
Oh wait - crap - you distracted me with kittens.
I meant to say - the Clapotis is beautiful and I can't believe it only took under 4 skeins! Wow!
C'mon, your sister is probably all grown up and not as cute as those little kitties! I'm trying to supress a girly "How cute!" squeal as I type this!
Beautiful Clapotis too!
Gorgeous clapotis!
Sounds like you had a great time. The kitties are soooo cute - well worth all those photos ;)
Hey, I'm cute too! (okay, not really...)
Come back sis! I miss you already. When the birdies hatch I'll try to get a picture of their little heads popping out of the nest.
The kitties are sooo fun. It's going to be so hard giving them up.
Oh, clapotis is wonderful (koigu?!!) and kittens = adorable :)
Eeek! The baby birdies are here! I see two little beaks - I hope they don't fall out. I'll be scarred for weeks.
Gorgeous!!!! Awesome job there! :)
Cute kitties!
Thanks for that close-up shot of your Clapotis! I have to admit that I didn't see the attraction to that pattern until I saw that photo - gorgeous! Love the colorway.
Those kitties are the cutest thing! If I weren't highly allergic, I would be tempted ...
CONGRATS oN FINISHING!!! YEAH!! Love the colorway!! Cute kitties..
Your a woman with her priorities straight!! What cute pictures.
Your Clapotis is beautiful and the kittens adorable!
Oh those kitten pics are adorable!
Your Clapotis looks excellent and I love the colours you chose for it.
Thanks for stopping by BritKnitCast - come on over any time and help yourself to a virtual cup of tea :D
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