"J"....is for J-E-L-L-O

Last winter my Mother, sister and I went to Disneyland and, unfortunately, my sister caught a stomach flu and could only eat really bland food. She called room service and asked for some Jello and, naturally, being Disney, they wouldn't just slop some jello in a bowl, and this is how it was presented. With the domed silver food cover and everything.
Oh, and being the supportive sister that I am, I showed my solidarity by eating both her and my share of the Mickey Mouse ice cream bars, pancakes and churros.
In knitting news, I finished my sister's socks, yay!
In knitting news, I finished my sister's socks, yay!

and immediately cast on for some socks for my Dad (belated B-day present).
The colors didn't come out very well in this photo--the green is actually a dark forest green and the yellow is more deeper golden-yellow than it shows here. They're going to be lucky Oakland A's socks.
I've made some progress on my Noni bag as well--got halfway on the the body.
Ha! That Jello is bizarre!!!
The socks turned out great - looks like you're definitely addicted ;)
Nice socks!!! I love Regia colors.
That jello cracks me up!
Yes, thank you for eating the Cinnamon Roll, Mickey Mouse pancakes, and Dole Whip in front of me. I guess it was payback from the time we were kids and we had McDonalds and you couldn't have any because you were sick. I see how it is.
Is daddy's sock yarn green? It looks blue in that picture. Well, even if it was pink with purple polka dots, he'd love it because you made them :)
I can't wait to get my sockee! :) eee! Thanks! You're the bestest sister!
Yeah for finished socks! Cute jello!
Yeah I was gonna say blue too. Beautiful either way though.
I still haven't come up with a "J" yet. Jello is a good one!
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