TGI Koigu, baby

Leah Garchik's Public Eavesdropping, San Francisco Chronicle 4.21.06.
I met up with some rockin' knitters and went to the TKGA show last night and came back with-eyes welling with tears- my first ever purchase of Koigu. I plan to join the millions of cool knitters out there and make a Clapotis. Then I too can stroll down the street with my clapotis tossed around my shoulders and a Je suis belle et ça ne demande aucun effort attitude.

Oh, before my coolness gets to my head, let me tell you what happened over Easter weekend. Yes, her coolness fell asleep with a chocolate egg in her pajama pocket. I didn't photograph the melted mess for blog posterity but you can imagine what it looked like....
Cool! But what about my socks? And my white blankee?
Oooo! That's a great shade of blue! (Oh and been there done that with the chocolate in the pocket. Be thankful you discovered it before the jammies made it to the wash!)
You are the coolest of the cool! Despite the whole chocolate egg thing.
And clapotis rocks!
methinks you need to give your sister a pair of knitting needles and a gift Certificate for a knitting class! ;)
Love the goodies from your SP.
Enjoy the Koigu - that looks v close to the shade I used to knit the scarf for my xchange pal last fall - it's over in Australia now.
ohhh Love that yarn! Can't wait to see it knit up!
That clip is hysterical. Casa Gourmet Burrito? Geez, Lafayette has way too many eateries.
Pretty yarn.
Ok, you gotta help me do those scrolling thingees on the side of your blog. They are way cool. pass me the code or links or whatever?
Oh, yes, nice to see you again at the show!
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