User Error

I boo-hoo'd to my sister that no one left a comment on my last post (alright,so the Iron Trail isn't that interesting but the kitty photo was kinda cute) and she pointed out that apparently, in a spazmatic moment, I set my comments restriction on blogger to allow, uh, no one. And for the, oh, 3-4 of you out there who so eagerly await my next
Hi! Glad it's working again. I felt like I was exlcuded from a private knitting club.
Ummm, yeah.... I tried to leave a post about the iron horse trail but was REJECTED....
Glad it is fully functional!
Yeah, um..iffin you want us, you gotta let us in! ;) hehe {{hugs}}
I'm glad it's fixed for the non-[[hugs]]-non-bloggers among us, as I had also lodged my complaint that earlier in the week I was prevented from posting a pithy response which would have KILLED....and now I am free to post again! Albeit ANONYMOUSLY....(eerie ominous music)
Cute graphic for pebkac!
kitty photo was great!!!!
OMG do i love that error message!
(see.. a comment :)
I just thought it was blogger being cranky.
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