What's In Your Knitting Bag?
1) I'm a Podcast Ho
2) I love winning yarn & related stuff
Guido at It's a Purl Man is having a drawing for a knitting book. To enter, post a photo & link of your Knitting bag and add a comment or two about what you keep inside.
My knitting bag is actually a large canvas bag with pink trim I bought a few years ago before I became a knitter. (It's a Pink Ribbon item for the Susan G. Komen foundation.) I also have a super groovy Sock Fish bag made for me by the fabulous Zknitter.

When not occupied by Mika, my bag holds my latest project(s), a clear bag full of notions, stitch markers, hand cream, etc., a pencil zip case with stitch holders, cable needles and a nail file, crochet hooks, the Yarn Requirements Guide, my Knitters Companion, a notebook and a bottled water (for when I go to Knit Club).
So, (in my Capital One Visa voice), What's in YOUR knitting bag?
Very Nice !!!
lets see I have wips, book, patterns, notions, pen, etc in my bag...lol
Can I have Mika?
Aw she looks so sweet an innocent in there!!!!
Speaking of podcasts - thanks for finding a link for a source for the salad container thingie in the US! It really is fabulous - I love using it! I added the link to the PointySticks show notes!
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