My Brush with Knitting Celebrity Greatness!
Oh, and some Canadian woman who calls herself the Yarn Harlot wanted to be in the photo too. Poor thing, no one was giving her any attention so we let her pose with us.
(I wait for hours to get my big photo moment and my clapotis ends up all bunched up on my shoulder, sigh)
So, I met up with Ceallach today and we drove to over Los Altos where over 300 knitters showed up at Full Thread Ahead to see the Yarn Harlot herself, the uber-fabulous Stephanie Pearl-McPhee.
After checking in, we walked around the shops and, since knitters can't live on yarn alone (shocking, I know), Ceallach treated me to a refreshing margarita and appetizer platter at a local Mexican place. We returned to the shop and found some seats.
BTW, speaking of celebrities, Cookie of Pomatomas sock fame is somewhere in this crowd.

As expected, Stephanie was a hilarious and very entertaining speaker.

And, as you all know, you can't go to a yarn event and come home empty handed--Los Altos has another yarn shop, Uncommon Threads where I scored some Koigu because, as I said to Ceallach, this colorway makes me happy. And she understood, because she found some happy Koigu too.
I am so jealous that you met the yarn harlot.
I am also in love with the birch DPNs that you sent me as a part of the prize package; they are sooooo great to knit with!! Although I can't get over the feeling that I am knitting with shishkabob skewers (come to think of it, maybe I should measure the skewers with my needle gauge...)
Thanks so very much for being so generous - you are awesome!!
Cool!! Nice photo and I locve your Clapotis, gorgeous colorway!
How exciting!!!!! That counts as your celeb pic right??
Holy Carp! You met the Harlot AND Ceallach in the same day!? Wow.
*L* Cool! I can see why that koigu colorway makes you happy, very pretty
Very cool! I was there too, in the waaaay back and I think I was one of the last to get my book signed (went for dinner & came back quite late, just a bit before 9).
It was so neat to see so many people knitting at once.
Awesome celebrity post! What a great time you definately had, and the Koigu is gorgeous!! :)
Neat! That sounds like a great day. Whatcha gonna do with that Koigu? That colorway is lovely.
Oh, you got to meet the Yarn Harlot! And your Clapotis is touching her! Will you ever wash it again? ;)
What a GORGEOUS colorway that is, can't wait to see it knitted up!
So cool, the Harlot and her famous traveling sock. I'm jealous!
A Harlot pic! With Ceallach!
I wanna go one day, and meet more knitties!
A Harlot pic! With Ceallach!
I wanna go one day, and meet more knitties!
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