A..B..Catching Up
...or How I Salvaged My Long Weekend.
The Long Weekend (Labor Day here in the US) started out crappy for me. 2/3 of the time I had a mondo headache. The kind where you can't sleep and you want knit to but it hurts so you knit anyway balancing an icepack on yo head and end up making stupid mistakes and have to rip out your sock TWICE.
So I tried to distract myself by catching up on my ABC along photos:
O is for Obi
Obi is a traditional sash used with Japanese Kimono. Here, I'm using a vintage obi as a dresser runner.
P is for Project Spectrum postcard.
This month I'm swapping with Melissa from Frog Stitch Our cards are both in transit to and from Canada so I have to "P is for Postpone" this photo!
Q is for QVC
No Hope you'll ever get that Aran shawl done in time for Christmas? Tired of friends who just don't get why you knit when you can buy a merino wool sweater for $49.92? Too pooped to get off the sofa to get to the LYS? Have a crush on the UPS man?
Then the answer is just an 800 phone call away! 24/7!
And don't think I don't have the furnitureslides,goldearrings,goosedownpillows,foldingfootstool,
fullerbrushdoormat, pressurewasher and,ohyes,pre-litChristmastree to prove it!
So yesterday, I got to take a nap with my buddy Mika. Notice my socks don't match?And, at the end of the day, I managed to finish one sock.
Hi you poor tired thing!! I am so behind too! Love the sock, that Obi is gorgeous!! hehe what sock, I was looking at your knitted kitty and real kitty ;)
I hope the headache finally passed. I don't usually get headaches, but my husband does. No fun.
Great pics!
I'm struggling with Q. Then we get to sail on through a bunch of easy letters.
R: radio, radish, rest, rock
S: steam, stem, sons, spaghetti
T: truck, Thomas the Tank Engine, tabby cat
U: umbrella, um, maybe U will be a challenge.
Great O, P and Q! And hey, not bad sock progress for having a headache.
I think I recognize the sock pattern too..lool..So sorry about the headache I've been like that the past couple days....OUCH!! I feel for you! Cute kitty and nice Obi!
I am in awe - a finished sock - in spite of the headache! Hope you are feeling better!
Beautiful obi! I think you deserve another visit from the ups man (I'm home in pyjamas, waiting for mine!!) :)
Cats are such masters of the nap. You look at them lounging in a patch of sunlight or on a comfy stuffie and wish you could nap with such style.
Nice sock!
I hope you feel better.
I wish I could nap with knitted kitty and real kitty!
Nice sock and hope you feel better!
I love your cat by the way, she is beautiful.
I get migraines - so I know about the ice balancing act. No fun!
I love the sock!
I hope you are feeling better!
hope your feeling better! Love your pictures! : )
I hope your migrane is long gone. I love your obi and can't wait to get your postcard.
Fellow migraine sufferer here too. I am AMAZED that you could knit. All I can do is get naked (sorry tmi), get in bed and pack the ice all around my neck and head and do major drugs.
Love the Obi and your collection of Lucite purses. Please add me to your will. I will sadly miss you and glady accept those purses. ;)
Headaches / migraine - no fun at all. Hope you're feeling better. Love those lucite purses. What an education - I had no idea such things existed!! They are so beautiful.
Ha! I love that Q and your little intro in to it. If only I were that clever.
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